Bulldogs are courageous but cute, stubborn but affectionate, playful yet will nap after a 15 minute slow walk. These beautiful flat faced companions are loyal, happy and make great family pets. The cost of buying a bulldog alone is enough to justify purchasing Canine Snake Avoidance training, but more so, because everyone just loves these snorting, gassy, snoring dogs and wants to protect them from snakes.
Official classification: Non Sporting Dog
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Size & Weight: 35.5 – 38.1cm, Weight 22.7kg Males and 18kg Females

Canine Snake Avoidance
Bulldogs actually perform quite well at canine snake avoidance. It takes a little for them to learn to avoid snakes, but once they do so, bulldogs stay away from them immediately. No matter how much enticement is used with ropes for tug of war, toys, food, when the bulldog learns canine snake avoidance, they avoid snakes regardless of the circumstances. After Canine Snake Avoidance training, bulldogs avoid snakes immediately on visual contact. The only weakness Canine Snake Avoidance has identified with bulldogs is in regards to scent. Many dogs can scent a snake from 50cm – 5 meters away however we have noticed that bulldogs, with their breathing difficulties, tend to get close to the scent of a hidden snake before they scent identify them, and then move away. While this is undesirable, at least the dog is learning to avoid snakes the moment they’re identified. This can be countered by keeping yards extremely clean and visible so that no snakes can hide on site. We need to be realistic about the capacity of a bulldog in consideration of training and focus on taking all reasonable steps to help bulldogs avoid snakes as much as possible.

About BullDogs
Adaptable, Affectionate, easygoing, and lovable
Quiet—not much of a barker. Apartment friendly
Good with kids and other pets including cats.
An excellent guard dog, courageous and dependable
Adaptable to a wide variety of living conditions
Outgoing and friendly personality & great with strangers
Bull dogs Can be gassy and drool excessively.
Can easily be exhausted and over exercised.
Makes a lot of snorting, snuffling, and wheezing noises and snores at night.
Highly susceptible to obesity.
As a puppy, can be rambunctious and rowdy.
Slow to mature and highly sensitive.
Can be possessive of toys and food, tending to show dominance

History of Bulldogs
The history of the bulldog dates back at least 500 years ago where the original bulldog was a tall and ferocious animal capable to grab a bull by the nose and hold it in place for bull baiting activities. These dogs were also used in dog fighting but when this was rightfully banned, bulldogs began to compete in exhibition shows where preference was given to the heavy, thick set, low slung body with wide shoulders and a massive head – more align with modern day bull dogs. The temperament of bull dogs was gradually bred from an aggressive and tough to kind and courageous (but not vicious). The modern day bull dog is a nothing compared to its ancestors. Since then, bull dogs have been used as mascots, for American sport teams and universities as well as for the United States Marine Corps during world war I and current. The bull dog was associated with Winston Churchill’s defence of Britain against the German Nazis.

Bulldog Appearance
Coat: Fine texture, short, close and smooth (not wiry). Can be mixed colours of brindle, white, fawn, red, tan, black and varieties in between.
Head: Very large compared to the body size, cheeks well founded, loose skin wrinkled with a short muzzle, pushed large broad nose. Jaw broad and square.
Ears: Ears set high on head, set wide apart and high and far from eyes as possible.
Eyes: Situated down low on the skull, well away from the ears, round in shape.
Body: Chest wide, prominent and deep, short body.
Gait: Heavy and constrained gait, walking with short steps on the tips of his toes.
Legs: Short legs, large and muscular.
Tail: Very short tail.

Bulldog Care
Health & Lifespan
Bulldogs are susceptible to becoming overheated so should not be left outside in the hot sun unsupervised or without access to plenty of shade and water. If overexcited, the bulldog tongue can hang out further than usual and be bluish in appearance. In this circumstance, immediately administer cool water and ice. Bull dogs are susceptible to hip and spine malformations, as well as knee issues. The skin is prone to infections at the site of the wrinkles and they are susceptible to eye issues. Bulldogs also can suffer from brachycephalic airway, a developmental condition narrowing the upper airway making it difficult for these flat faced dogs to breath. Bulldogs are also at risk for allergies, bladder stones, cancer, difficulties in labour, gastric torsion, and heart problems. That said, if you find a dog from a good breeder with strong genetic lines, many of these genetic issues can be minimalised.
Wrinkles on the bull dogs face need to be checked regularly to ensure it is clean and dry in between. A cotton ball dipped in peroxide can be used for cleaning with cornstarch used for drying. Nails should be trimmed regularly. The coat can be easily maintained with a soft brush a few times a week.

Bulldogs are intelligent, dependable and with proper socialisation, are a social creature that develop close bonds with humans and make a great family dog. Bulldogs can readily be friendly, easy to get along with and love children and other animals. They are not “barkers” and love spending time with people and company. Their relaxed nature and inability to exercise much make them a fantastic companion for anyone with a relaxed, stay at home lifestyle. Don’t leave bulldogs unsupervised in water that goes past their waist as they are susceptible to drowning.

Exercise & Training Considerations
Bulldogs still have a degree of tenacity and headstrong nature and need to be properly understood for training. They don’t stand out in any obedience competitions, but anything learned is usually retained for life. Always remember that bulldogs have a low energy level. After a 10 – 15 minute slow walk, during the cool part of the day (only) they usually lay down to sleep.
Bulldogs are dedicated to their owners but still can develop undesirable behaviours so require socialisation and early training. Incentives in training are that the bulldog loves to chew and will continue this habit for life with their beloved toys. Bulldogs love to play tug of war but must be taught the ‘release’ command. They can develop habits of being overprotective of their food.

The Hungarian Vizsla
Today’s bulldog is nothing compared to its origins. They are currently a smooth coated thick set dog, low in stature but broad, compact and powerful. The head is very large in proportion to the dog’s overall size with a short face, broad muzzle that is blunt and moderately inclined upwards. The body is very short and limbs are short and muscular. You cannot mistake the bulldog for any other breed. Their loose skin on the head, furrowed brow and pushed nose with rolling gait differentiate the bulldog from other dogs.
Bull dogs are described as being courageous but friendly and dignified. The bull dog ‘sour’ face is a universal symbol of courage and tenacity. These dogs are very popular, prone to health issues, and are often extremely expensive.

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