Canine Snake Avoidance Trainer
The Snake Hunter (Mark Pelley) originally started as a venomous snake catcher based in Diamond Creek, Melbourne Victoria. In the course of his work, he could not help but notice that snakes were killing dogs regularly and wanted to do something about this.
After consulting with many dog trainers across Victoria and Australia, he discovered that the best dog training program to avoid snakes was taught by Seth Pywell - Perth Dog Trainer and Behaviourist.
Since then, Mark has been training dogs to avoid snakes all over Victoria. These include hunting dogs, family dogs, working dog breeds and dogs that are used in industry such as security and scent training dogs.

Mark Pelley operates as the CEO of Canine Snake Avoidance. In addition he operates as the full time sole parent of his 4 girls: Jessie, Aishah, Aeve and Ellie!
Also in the family is "Star" the dog, "Rufus" the little short beaked corella, and "Dora" the cat in addition to the multitude of reptiles and amphibians at home.
Mark was born in Melbourne but spent most of his early child hood between Australia and with his family (on his mother's side) in Taiwan. From the age of 7 Mark started playing with snakes and made a profession out of his passion which has evolved into reptile shows, canine snake avoidance, snake catching. The family and pets are all involved!

Educational Background
Mark Pelley C.E.O of Canine Snake Avoidance has a diverse professional educational background including:
Cert III Dog Behaviour and Training
Bachelor of Psychology & Management
Bachelor of Nursing (mental health)
Masters in Mental Health
Graduate Diploma Migration Law
Certificate III Investigative Services
Certificate III Information Technology
Certificate IV Fitness
Mark has more certificates & training (Relevant to his current businesses) and is currently studying towards additional qualifications not listed above.

Work Experience
Work Background
While Mark runs his own businesses now and for the past 8 years of:
The Snake Hunter - 24/7 Snake Catcher
Canine Snake Avoidance
Visas To Australia
& More
Mark has a diverse work background including: Security, Private, Public and Community Mental health, Government, Health, and Corporate. Mark realised he needed to be his own boss and made his passion his profession teaching dogs to avoid snakes, working with reptiles and more!

"Star" the Border Collie
Official dog of the Snake Hunter/Canine Snake Avoidance Team
Star is the official dog of Mark Pelley - The Snake Hunter CEO of Canine Snake Avoidance. Here is a video of her as a puppy. Today Star is actively involved in all aspects of the business including:
Star has been trained to find snakes when snake catching. (She stays away from them)
Star is a great public example of obedience training.
Star comes along for reptile shows to teach kids to stay away from snakes
When catching snakes, Star is a great therapy dog for people who are scared that snakes are on their property (great for pats and cuddles)
Canine Snake Avoidance: Star acts as a dog distraction while I'm setting up the next round of training.

More information
More about Mark Pelley The Snake Hunter
Mark is regularly consulted by media, government, private institutions, and individuals about how to best understand and protect people from venomous snakes. If you see Mark in the street, be sure to say "Hi" as The Snake Hunter would love to meet you.
To learn more about Mark Pelley, go to www.markpelley.com.au